Hello, I'm a Basque Data Science student and aspring SOC Analyst at UF!
Ioritz Eguileor-
Aspiring SOC Analyst ( Developer / Graphic Designer)
七転び八起き - "Fall Seven Times and Stand Up Eight"
Currently working on my CompTIA Network+ certification as well as CDSA certification on HackTheBox. Heavily interested in the cybersecurity space with a focus on DFIR (Digital Forensics and Incident Response)
Programming LanguagesPython, Java, JavaScript
Frameworks/OtherReactJS, Tailwind CSS, ChakraUI, NextJS, HTML, CSS
LanguagesEnglish (Native), Spanish (Native), French (Fluent)Bio
2004Born in Bilbao, Spain.
2011Moved to Dubai.
2016Moved to Florida.
2022Graduated from Cypress Bay Highschool, started Bachelor of Engineering while studying CS.